Here are some quick tips to keeping your cement based tile shining and sparkling! Tile care is a crucial part of keeping your custom tile beautiful, and making sure it lasts longer! Be sure to read closely and never mix chemicals or cleansers that are new to you or that you haven't worked with before. Safety first!
Poultice with Hydrogen Peroxide
(To make this thick,Stain-removing paste, mix untented baby powder or talcum powder and 40% Hydrogen Peroxide. Soak an absorbent material like paper or cotton in your poultice and let it sit on the stained spot to absorb the stain and pull it out) Organic Stains
-Poultice with 35% hydrogen Peroxide. Let set 20 Minutes, check, reaply if needed
-Miracle sealants’ Mira Clean #1
-Miracle Sealants’ Liquid Poultice Biological Stains
Clean with:
-Poultice 35% Hydrogen Peroxide. Let set 20 Minutes, Check, reapply if needed.
-Miracle Sealants’ Mira Clean
-Miracle Sealants’ Liquid Poultice Oil Based Stains
Clean with:
-Miracle Sealants’Mira Clean #1
-Miracle Sealants’ Liquid Poultice
-Miracle Sealants’s Mira Strip
-Household detergent
-Mineral Spirits Or Poultice with one of the following:
-Mineral Spirits
-Miracle Sealants’ Mira Strip
-Methyl Chloride Rust stains
Clean with one of the following:
-Miracle sealants’ Liquid Poultice
-GCFR (miracle Sealants’ Grout concrete film remover) Dilute 1 part GCFR: 8 parts water
-Oxalic Acid Ink Stains
Poultice with one of the following:
-Miracle sealants ‘ Liquid poultice
-Miracle sealants’ Mira Strip
-Light Colors:Hydrogen Peroxide 35%
-Dark Colors: Acetone or Lacquer Thinner